May 17th, 2024




Release Notes 2024.05.16

  • πŸ¦„ Tickets - Global Views are now available! Admins can convert personal Views into Global views for everyone to use. We'll extend this functionality to Alerts, Assets and more in the future :)

  • πŸ¦„ Clients - Domain info can now be populated automatically when adding or editing a domain (Expiry, Registrant, Registrar etc.)

  • ✨Approve and Invoice - Custom due dates are now available in the Generate Invoice popup

  • ✨ Tickets - Time Entry tab now shows the contract

  • ✨ Integrations - Incremental delays have been added to improve M365 sync

  • ✨ Assets - ScreenConnect GUID is now fetched each time the asset comes online

  • ✨ Scripts - External URLs are now allowed in scripts (Settings > Assets > Files)

  • πŸ› Tickets - Fixed an issue where time spent would occasionally display the wrong values

  • πŸ› Tickets - Fixed an issue where the forced time spent popup would show the incorrect value if previously paused

  • πŸ› Dashboard - Fixed an issue where the map geolocation was not working